Džastinas Byberis: Skirtumas tarp puslapio versijų

180 baitų pašalinta ,  22:14, 17 balandžio 2011
7 eilutė: 7 eilutė:

== Less known facts about Justin Bieber ==
== Less known facts about Justin Bieber ==
In Lithuanian surname of Justin Bieber is pronounced like "bi:ber", that means "dicker", like in word bybys (penis). So, that's true Biebers surname ethimology, and the fact he is a Lithuanian!
jb is the best

== Kaip atpažinti malalietkes Džastino Byberio fanes ==
== Kaip atpažinti malalietkes Džastino Byberio fanes ==
Anoniminis naudotojas