
00:45, 8 rugsėjo 2021 versija, sukurta Gimnazija (Aptarimas | indėlis) (Naujas puslapis: English language words starting with letter F. == Fact == # that which is objectively true. # something provable. # a quantifiable piece of information. # a good guess. # the w...)
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English language words starting with letter F.


  1. that which is objectively true.
  2. something provable.
  3. a quantifiable piece of information.
  4. a good guess.
  5. the way one remembers a thing.
  6. adultery.


a man living an unnatural lifestyle; eg, a white rapper.


  1. fidelity and allegiance to an idea, a place, or a person.
  2. abdication of all thought to an idea, a place, or a person.

see also belief.


  1. traditionally, blood relations and in-laws.
  2. n, in reference to those most capable of hurting one's feelings.
  3. a de facto relationship void of free will which most political parties and philosophies tout as the strongest tie and most moral direction of personal duty.
  4. the acorn from which the oak woods of racism, nationalism and violence are born.


the final resort of urban procrastination.


  1. the state of knowing pretty well what's going on.
  2. the sensation in a writer that somewhere, in something he or she has written and submitted for publication, sits the word "your" where the contraction for "you are" ought to be.


sensible; reasonable; fully-conscious; adult.

Federal income tax

  1. the national nuclear bomb fund donation program.
  2. a sizeable funnel into the IMF money pit.
  3. the only way the Pentagon can afford quality hammers.
  4. the scholarship fund for the School of the Americas.
  5. a curious annual parasitic habit of the US government begun in 1913, scant years before, pure coincidence, the national economy came crashing down; a habit prohibited by the Fifth Amendment and disobeyance of which is punishable by removal of all property and freedom without trial or warrant.


enlightened pursuit of equity by women. compare with masculism.


  1. one who takes sides.
  2. a fish without ambition in regard to the Tour de France.
  3. humorless; without joy.


asking for it.

Foreign market

a place, outside the US, where other people buy things made in other places with currency minted by other governments, which has a huge impact on American economics.


  1. a Greek habit from the Latin (frater) for brother; brotherhood.
  2. mental collusion and spiritual sodomy.

Free market, the

the carrot market. see also capitalism and freedom.

Free will

  1. erratic and unpredictable behavior in another.
  2. proof of God.
  3. proof against God.
  4. a possession native to men over 65 and women under 15.


the right to choose one's carrot.


adj, describing a person in need.


a ghost ship. see also cursed ship.

Friend with benefits

Friend for fuck


disparaging, epithet for a race of men who, oddly, do not eat flies and live with snails but eat snails and draw flies.


  1. to treat as royalty.
  2. an evil word used only by sinners bound for hell.
  3. the initial step in motherhood; as in "I fucked your mother."


  1. adj, humorous; that which causes one to laugh.
  2. peculiar.

see queer.

  1. that which lightens one's mood.
  2. a drunken animal.
  3. cruelty.
  4. the misfortune of another.
  5. the unusual death of a stranger.
  6. sexism.
  7. racism.
  8. people without humor.
  9. farting.
  10. the economic crisis of a foreign country.
  11. archaic, harmless jest.
  12. Jews and Canadians.
  13. in general, one's aspirations.
  14. ideals.


the by-product of an unstable lie mixed with a copious measure of trust.